Thursday, August 27, 2009

2010-Midterm Elections Coming Early To Massachusetts

Democracy is Not A Polite and Pretty Entity

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Rationing Health Care Means You Have Lived Long Enough

by Pietro Savo

What happens when people from the top schools take over the government, they assume that they know what they are doing? The joke is on them or is it on us? This expensive education they received taught by people who have not worked or learned in the real world is clueless and worthless. The educational joke perhaps is on the rest of us, the working middle class folks who really suffer the consequences from their poor judgment, and “we are not laughing.”

With book-smart learning, practical learning does not exist. True intellects do not begin in the classroom; true intellects begin working in the real-world, where your decisions right or wrong affects an organization’s ability to create success. With today’s medical technology and expertise money or profits should never become placed before good medical treatment. That is exactly what rationing health care represents, deciding when the financial cutoff to treat a patient becomes reached.

With the current government’s plans formulating in Washington, I figure at 50 years old I have about ten years to live and then the government will decide that I have lived long enough. Any extra medical care I have earned in my lifetime will become forfeited in the name of fair treatment for all. Rational health care also takes the incentive away from smart people to spend ten years in college to earn a medical degree. With the prospect of making less real money, less smart people will go into medicine risking future medical advancements. How do you feel about a second-rate doctor treating you or your children? Diseases become cured by the smartest people going into the medical professions. Rationing health care is a double edge sword that will slow medical advancement and progress and kill working middle class folks.

The icing on the cake is the people in the government making rationing health care a devastating reality will not lose their quality medical care no matter what they promise you. This change will only affect us working middle class folks. The humor in this is we sent Dr. Jack Kevorkian aka “Dr Death” to jail for helping people die, and now the government is about to make legal the same practice.

The solution is to put successful people in charge of our government, here is my pick; Lee Iaccoca, Bill Gates, T. Boone Pickens, Dambisa Moyo, Steve Jobs, Ted Turner, Kathy Gallagher, Michael Dell, Meg Whitman, Donald Trump, Catherine Hughes, Jack Welch, Derschaun Sharpley, Pam Geller and Warren Buffett. What these successful people have in common is they have made good productive paying jobs for other people all their lives, and they have not focused their intellect on creating unproductive propaganda. Perhaps the solution is once again having the citizen politician as our nation’s founding fathers wanted!

Term limits, urgently needed today, as a means to ensure citizen politicians inspired by real-world common sense experiences can make the laws once again. Start calling your government representative; tell them what is on your mind! ; Read, Write and Live Longer!


Manufacturing Research Practitioner ™ by Pietro

Education Blog Directory

Sarah Palin, the common folks 21st century American Knight!

Sarah Palin, the common folks 21st century American Knight!

Why do the silver spoon-fed aristocrats hate Governor Palin so much? This hatred comes from her association with the common folks. Today’s embedded long-term career politicians are no different from the noble class of the Middle Ages. Then out of the American last wild frontier comes a woman not groomed for greatness by attending the finest private schools money could buy. She is a natural people organizer, positive proof that you don’t have to buy votes to win elections. She is a person who’s family is as unpredictable as our own, and far from perfect, yet so truly loved. Her examples of genuine love for her family are an aristocrat’s worst nightmare.

Here is why the aristocrats are now worried, our economic system shaped like a pyramid, the wealthiest 10% of United States families own more than 72% of the total wealth. (Source: Race, class, and gender in the United States by Paula S. Rothenberg) This means the remaining 90% represent the second class citizens, the common folks, and the middle class. 90% of anything represents an amazing number of votes that reacts to positive emotion. Governor Palin gives people a reason for positive emotion, and she gives them a reason to believe that common folks can become great leaders in our society. She represents the truest form of the American dream, still alive today in the 21st Century.

Compounding the aristocrat’s dilemma is the aristocrats can only afford to buy off about 20% of these common folks; the remaining 80% represent a voting revolution thirsty for a new leader.

The aristocrats believe that Sarah Palin is this leader, a common folks 21st century American Knight. She may or may not be the next chosen one, what she will do is shake up the aristocrat tree, and we will all be better-off because of it!


Manufacturing Research Practitioner ™ by Pietro

Education Blog Directory

A Paramedic is the Original Gene Pool Lifeguard is Funny!

The life of a paramedic, rescuing kittens from trees was the olden days; today it is as if you are fishing for idiots. Living in the people jungle the time-honored saying “you can’t make this stuff up” simply happens. Just recently a 17-year-old driver who had stopped to rescue a turtle in the middle-of-the-road placed the turtle in the car. Shortly after driving off, the turtle began to crawl on the driver’s leg frightening him, and causing the driver to crash into a large maple tree. The paramedics credited with two rescues that night, the scared driver and turtle. For the record, a paramedic is the original gene pool lifeguard; the occasional practical jokes or funny experiences make their job worthwhile. Humor is nature’s sanity check and makes for our daily survival to go on and appreciate another day. Humor also helps lighten the frame of mind of scared patients who could use a little healthy distraction in their lives during potentially life-or-death situations. (Fishing for Idiots and Gene Pool Lifeguard; source a Connecticut Paramedic)

Humor is great healing medication, so tell jokes or do funny stuff fits right in whenever you can. This morning my 17 year-old son was heading to school wearing two different sneakers, I noticed and was quickly told to lighten up, and off he went. Everyone needs humor in their lives; a Stanford School of Medicine study reported the average kindergarten student laughs 300 times a day and the average adult only 17 laughs a day. Laughter said to rid us of tension, stress, anger, anxiety, grief, and depression. Laughter releases our suppressed emotion, and wearing two different sneakers in public is funny, so lighten up!


Manufacturing Research Practitioner ™ by Pietro

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Nothing Bewildered About Dyslexia

by Pietro Savo

Nothing bewildered about dyslexia; The National Institutes of Health have estimated that about 15% of the population is dyslexic. Dyslexia represents the manner a person’s brain becomes naturally wired. Dyslexia may affect several different people functions that lead to personal frustration. Visual dyslexia easily pictured by a number and letters reversed and the difficulty to write symbols in the correct order. Auditory dyslexia involves difficulty with sounds of letters or collections of letters as need to create a word sound; the sounds become chaotic, not heard correctly. (Source: National Institutes of Health)

There is no cure for dyslexia; however, with the correct techniques to improve skills and reverse the private frustration of dyslexia. People with dyslexia can improve self-esteem by improving their reading and writing skills. It is never too late for people with dyslexia to learn to improve their language skills. (Source: The Tennessee Center for the Study and Treatment of Dyslexia, The Dyslexia Foundation)

Dyslexia learning tools from the modern age of computer software for reducing the effects of dyslexia and free your creative mind. This article is not a product endorsement, simply a common sense approach to available software that may work for you. 1) WhiteSmoke – – WhiteSmoke features grammar checker, spell checker, and writing style enhancement. 2) StyleWriter – – StyleWriter features grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and proper writing style checking.
3) Microsoft Word 2007 – Word 2007 create and share professional-looking documents by combining a comprehensive set of writing tools.
4) Dragon NaturallySpeaking – – Turn your voice into text three times faster than most people type.

Do not allow Dyslexia to slow you down, when we surf the web across our planet, we must always remember the power of words, the power of vision, and the power of you! Now go make a difference, and don’t let anyone talk you out of it!



Manufacturing Research Practitioner™ by Pietro

For Confiscatory Socialization To Work It Has To Have A Bogeyman

by Pietro Savo

Father’s Day started with many colorful cards from my six children, and a relaxed morning quietly reading old issues of the Wall Street Journal neatly stacked up on my office floor. The Wall Street Journal is a good publication for understanding the unfiltered reality, no matter how old the newspaper is, for that reason they don’t enter the recycling bin until thoroughly scanned over. Small-business employment accounts for about 80% of the jobs in the United States, and what has created such a death grip on our economy is the weakness in small-business employment. (Source: Wall Street Journal, Apr 3, 2009)

Small-businesses searching for hope often turn to the Small Business Administration (SBA) website, and there you will find talk of Economic Stimulus Package and the bottom-line small business tax cuts. (Source: U.S. Small Business Administration Website) Here is the problem, if you don’t have any work what good is tax cuts? Small-business job productivity trickles down from large corporations, and today labeled the most productive citizens and strategically called the rich. The rich in a confiscatory socialization mind-set represents the bogeyman. Here is the problem those of us in the middle and lower class will be the ones who suffer from a reduction in jobs caused by higher taxes on large corporations. Resulting in higher prices for almost all durable goods and for anything produced and less money to invest in the trickled down effect for small business job creation. (Source: Wall Street Journal, Apr 4, 2009)

For confiscatory socialization to work it has to have a bogeyman, and when that bogeyman becomes totally consumed. Perhaps the next bogeyman is the middle or lower class? Not to worry we will be suffering from the confiscatory socialization strategy long before that happens, perhaps we already are?


Manufacturing Research Practitioner™ by Pietro